How You Can Contribute to the Senegalese Education Fund*
1) You can donate money by check.
Make payable to: "Seneglase Education Fund"
Send to:
Judith Kader Brenner
103 N. Steele Road
West Hartford, CT 06119 USA
(414) 961-0429
Be Sure to add c/o Senegalese Education Fund on the memo line of your check.
2) You can encourage your company to make corporate donations or set up corporate matching.
3) You can ask your company to donate a percent of one days profits, or find a company that would.
4) You can have a retailer donate a portion of sales to the Senegalese Education Fund.
5) You can ask an organization to which you belong to plan a fund raising event for the Senegalese Education Fund.
6) You can ask your school to adopt the Senegalese Education Fund as their fund raising project.
*If you require a receipt of your donation for tax purposes,
please indicate that with your donation.
To see how your financial contributions are put to work, click here.
We would like to thank the following sponsors for their contributions:
J. Peters
J. and J. Hood
T. and C. Munnecke
J. Petrushka
K. Atandare
M. Khalid
G. Weatherall
J. Magidson
C. Davis
B. Vincenti
E. Barnett
G. Sosoff
K. Hendrickson
C. and J. Toman
D. Burke
J. Burke
M. Schulte
Ruth Circle of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
J. Magidson
The Koleski Family
The Eisenstadter Family